Friday, May 2, 2008

Life in Kabul

After being sick for a few days, and I mean really really sick, from some sort of tummy bug, I'm finally really experiencing Kabul life! I left the first house I was staying at, to share an annex (a small apartment for guests next to a big house) with a Dutch doctor (Interview). She took me to the bazaar and I bought my first Afghan bread today which tastes delicious!!
My new neighborhood is full with expats and we're close to the police station and parliament buildings. Everywhere is police and other weird looking men with guns. The last ones are most likely private security for rich Afghans. In my street also lives the owner of Afghanistan's largest phone company. It is weird, seeing old demolished houses with every now and then a large Afghan mansion in between.
There is much more to write but so little time at the moment, since I am also working on my article for the Nederlands Dagblad, but I will upload my new pictures. Don't forget, women can't take pictures here when they are walking, so most of them are taken while driving (no, not me, don't worry).

By the way, I tried to post some mp3 files online with interviews, but youtube is also blocked here in Afghanistan so I have to find another way. Other suggestions are most welcome!


spacebaby(r) said...

glad you're well now and being taken care of.


Unknown said...

good to hear that the bug has flown off to greener pastures. WOndering how your doing. Looking forward to your next blog...



Hev said...

Fascinating stuff! :) x