Monday, April 7, 2008

The Preparations...

Many of you have asked me to keep them updated before and after, but mostly during my trip to Kabul, Afghanistan. Well, here I am, writing my first blog for all of you who are interested.

One of the main questions I should answer is probably why I am going to Kabul, Afghanistan. The ones of you who know me, know that I have always been very interested in the position of women and how women can be empowered. I believe women are not always used to their maximum potential and their capabilities are sometimes ignored or simply forgotten. This is most definitely also the case during (post-conflict) reconstruction. During my studies (Conflict Resolution and Governance) these past couple of months, I've become very fascinated with the role women could and should play during the reconstruction of their country after war and conflict. Empowering women will help with the process of rebuilding a country, because there are a lot of good things women can add, because they are women and because they experience things different than men and have different needs. This is also the case for Afghanistan. (I realize for the academics amongst you, this may sound very normative, but you are more than welcome to read my thesis. The goal of this blog is to share my passions and experiences with you.)

For my MA thesis of the program Conflict Resolution and Governance I am going to Kabul to visit women who participate in self help groups. The goals of these groups are to empower women and strengthen their position in society as well as within their family. My goal is to research their effectiveness and how they play a role in rebuilding the civil society of Afghanistan.

My hope and passion is to see a transformation happening from wartime victims to peacebuilding victors (thanks Nahmyo!). I believe women who were victims of terrible atrocities can become active in changing their community, their society, their world. I know it is possible, it has happened before. Think of Rwanda. Strengthening Governance: The Role of Women in Rwanda's Transition

In exactly 18 days I will leave from Amsterdam through Dubai to Kabul. I will record my experiences here. This is the place where you can find my pictures, my stories and hopefully some sound bytes. Will you travel with me?


Unknown said...

Hi Jolien,
Your DAD is very proud but also a bit worried. God Bless you.

Unknown said...

Hey Jolien,

Wat gaaf dat je daar zit! Doe je wel voorzichtig?;p

Ik kijk uit naar je verhalen en fotos'!

Heel veel succes met je onderzoek!!

xxx Bertine

PS: wat is dat toch een prachtige foto van dat Afghaanse meisje van Nat. geographic...

Rachelle said...

hey jolien!
wat hebben wij elkaar al lang niet gesproken, want ik wist niet eens van je afghanistan plannen. Maar bijzonder dat je gaat! voor hoe lang? heel veel ..alles! wow, stoer dat je gaat en je gaat zeker iets geweldigs betekenen daar!

dikke x

nahmyo luckie electra said...

Yes, I will travel with you!
All the best Jolien. And I am off to see Branka and deliver the teddy bear on Monday :)
I'm having an amazing experience, and know you will too!

MariekevB said...

Hey Jolien,

wow, Afghanistan wat gaaf! Je onderzoek klinkt ook echt heel interessant, de master bevalt dus wel ;)
Ik ben erg benieuwd naar je verhalen.
Veel succes en doe voorzichtig (maar dat was je wel van plan toch)

P.s. je bent natuurlijk al goed voorbereid, maar mocht je er behoefte aan hebben: er zitten hier wat mensen die ontwikkelingswerk/militaire dingen in Afghanisatan doen/gedaan hebben, als je wil kan ik ze wel even polsen?

Unknown said...

Hi Jolien,

Wat ontzettend cool dat je dit gaat doen. Je gaat doen waar je voor staat en dat vindt ik bewonderenswaardig. Ik hoop dat je met je enthousiaste instelling veel mag betekenen in Afganistan.

Heel veel succes en vooral zegen gewenst.

Megan said...

Hi Jolien,

This sounds absolutely amazing! Best of luck in your studies.